Private Browser Rabbit

Mobile App

Stay secure with a private browser app that protects your online identity and browsing history from prying eyes.

About Project

Private Browser– Private Browser Rabbit enables you to have a private and secure browsing experience. The Incognito Mode/Private Browsing Mode makes no history recorded. You can call it a Secret Browser or Private Browser. These features make Private Browser Rabbit one of the best private browser app options available for Android
☆ This is the optimal browser if you want to visit adult websites, dating sites, medical sites, check Facebook on a friend’s device, watch a video or anything else without anyone finding out! 

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Logo Structure

The logo is the virtual representation of every brand, the core purpose of creating a logo is to help users connect with the target audience. Here our motive was pretty clear, we wanted no complexity in the logo in order to help the user understand the business identity in one go.

If you take a look at the logo, you will realize it’s pretty simple yet quite effective on the business, this is what our motive is.

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